North Country National Scenic Trail Association
Central New York Chapter
There is something for everyone to do to help. Plus, you can work and hike with some great people
We can use help with any of the events on our schedule, including:
- Work Hikes: light brush cutting, trail tread repairs, installing markers and signs
- Recreational Hikes: Lead a special interest hike. Photography, wildlife, water resources, history, share your interests
- Trail Steward: “Adopt” your very own trail section to love and maintain!
- Special Projects: Construction projects such as bridge or walkway building
- National Trails Day: The first Saturday in June- hiking, working, dedications, and fun!
- Fund Raising, Public Relations, Liaison: Help get the word out about this valuable recreational resource
- Membership: Recruit and sustain members and sponsors
- Special ConstructionProjects: These photos show one of 2018's special projects - rebuilding a collapsed bridge
off of Route 80. Design, prefabrication, and on-site work provide lots of opportunities to be creative, get muddy, and
feel a sense of accomplishment.
Volunteer Opportunities